Merry Wine Rambling Christmas 2011

Merry Wine Rambling Christmas 2011

This being a sort of Anglo-German blog, we live under constant Christmas confusion. Is the 24th the important day, as the Germans believe, or the 25th, as the British and several other nations assert? We don't claim to have the superior wisdom here, especially not after a Christmas meal that came with a stunning grand cru Riesling from the Pfalz (actually, when would one have more wisdom than after enjoying first class Riesling?), so we aim for balance. Last year it was the 24th, this year the 25th is the day when we send our seasonal greetings and best wishes to all our friends in wine.

So, wherever you are, we wish you all the best, a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday full of wine and food adventures and also full of time to share with loved ones and friends. Cheers to that!