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Submitted by Vimpressionniste Tuesday, 18/01/2011

In reply to by torsten

I'm quite curious about the usefulness of AP numbers to consumers. In what situations would one refer to this? Is there a public database available somewhere which catalogs the wines?

As for the French AOC, wines which fail the tasting approval are usually sold as Vin de Table, and until recently, they didn't even have the right to mention a vintage or grape variety on the label. A lot of the natural wine makers encounter this issue it seems.

And while it makes sense to say that an oaked wine does not fit the style of a region, I find it a bit unfair to call it a fault!

PS: I'm a big fan of skin maceration on whites (particularly Gravner's Friuli masterpieces) and Grauburgunder, and I've got to find a bottle of this Salwey!

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