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F. W. Langguth Erben, Kabinett

This is our second wine from the supermarket wine category. After the Liebfraumilch, it only could get better. And it did. At first, I was not really impressed. Drinkable, but not too much in the nose or mouth, apart from a little lemon. With a little bit of air, this wine did improve a lot.

Lemony mineral with a little bit of acid (although that was a little unfocused) and green apple, suddenly enhanced by buttery nut flavours, almost as if there was some Weißburgunder in there. There was a hint of alcohol in the nose, but luckily that was not a consistent impression.

A light and fruity wine with a little bit of lemony zing and creaminess. I don't think I will be revisiting it, but it is a drinkable, light and fruity wine that many people would enjoy.

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