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Submitted by Julian Monday, 30/07/2012

Sweetness is your friend. Sweetness is your... Oh, I wasn't done repeating just yet. On the great vintages ending on a 1, I always feel honour-bound to make the case for 2002, my favourite German vintage. While 2001 seems to have been great on the Mosel, but more mixed elsewhere, I have found 2002 reliably excellent all over Germany. On 2005, I am a little more reserved as well, because quite a few 2005s I found to be lacking acidity, for my palate at least. But none of those were St. Urbanshof, it should be added. Did you, by any chance, get to ask Nik about the mystery Chardonnay his estate produced some time in the late 90s? Got a case on eBay a few years ago (remember?), drank it, liked it, never heard of it before or since, never found anything on the Internet about it.

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