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Submitted by torsten Friday, 03/07/2009

In reply to by torsten

More and more reactions are coming in. Journalists, bloggers, critics and even more bloggers are commenting on the open letter and the consequences. Most comments I have come across today are critical of the renegades.

Winemaker Würtz thinks that this action is mainly directed at the head of Gault Millau; he asks why, if there was so much criticism, it as not been voiced publicly beforehand.

Another winemaker defends Gault Millau against the critics that, he thinks, have gone too far.

Jancis Robinson briefly summarises the situation (I have mainly included this for those of you who only read English - there is not too much new information here):

A strong reaction comes for a wine forum where members are very critical of the "renegades":

What I find quite interesting is that Knipser do still have a scan of Gault Millau on their website. They have signed the letter and do not want to be mentioned any more, but are still very happy to use the Gault Millau title 'vintner of the year' for their marketing, including the Gault Millau. It may just be that they are very slow updating their website, but it does not look to good, I think:

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