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Submitted by Guest Friday, 21/08/2015

I ordered a vizio 70 inch TV 2 weeks ago, and it's supposed to be here Monday. Today, which is Friday, 2 days away from the delivery date, my order was mysterious canceled. I called DELL AND after 40 minutes of wait time, and after a few runarounds after that, the rep said I have to pay more for it because they listed below margin on the day I ordered the TV. WTF? He actually tried really hard to sell it to me with the higher price, saying it's the cheapest price already, and still cheaper than Amazon...etc. Guess what? I found a cheaper one in my local Costco just today.

I don't know how Dell could have fallen to this low, maybe it's this kind of frustrating and alienating their loyal customs that's brought them from their better years. And come to think of it, I actually spent more than $40k on Dell servers a few years back, and this is the kind of appreciation I get.

Just so you all know, even if Amazon's Vizio is a little bit more expensive, I'd rather buy from them than Dell. Their customer service(not DELL's) is top notch and they'd honor my order in this situation. Good luck Dell, your days are numbered.

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