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Submitted by Alexander Saturday, 05/01/2013

In reply to by S.M.

*Smile* Well, Solomon, tradition is a duty to bear, and the House of Württemberg is aware of that (the famous or notorious colloquial quip of HRH Duke Carl is: "this state, which bears _my_ name...").
A structural problem of the estate is that its famous vineyards are not very close to each other, and that each of them - in principle - thus really ought to have an own viticulturist (proper South Africanese for the somewhat misconceived German term "Außenbetriebsleiter"), which demand however would be expensive.
They have divested themselves recently from the Asperger Berg; they never managed to get great wine out of that old, very impressive, but much neglected vineyard. [I once hallowed or desecrated it, depending upon your view, by drinking a bottle of Egon Müller's Scharzhofberger right on top of the summit]
I am quite sure that the 2011 Großes Gewächs may have its act together. Is that enough for the whole estate? My question is maybe rhetoric... send them an email !

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